630.584.4747 sales@uniphaseinc.com

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Talk To A Human

At Uniphase, Inc. we deliver outstanding service that we would want to experience ourselves! This welcoming customer services means that you won’t get a ridiculously long phone menu when you call us and your email won’t go into the inbox void, never to be seen or heard from. Instead, real people will be in touch with you delivering energetic customer service.

Uniphase aims to deliver the best service possible with every contact!

We operate on trust. This can only be accomplished through communication and knowledgeable support – from the first contact!

At Uniphase you always talk to a human!

Have questions? Our team receives training continually to guarantee you get the most accurate information. From basic to complex inquiries, we are here to help!

Interested in learning more about our services?

Our team takes the time to discuss your needs and help you make smart decisions that best meet those needs.

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Our Office

425 38th Avenue
St. Charles, IL 60174


Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat – Sun: Closed


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